Business Alliance For Protecting The Atlantic Coast
Businesses Cite Excessive Problems with Government Regulations on Seismic Airgun Blasting
July 6, 2017 - By: - In: Press Releases - Tags: , - Comments Off on Businesses Cite Excessive Problems with Government Regulations on Seismic Airgun Blasting

Date:       July 6, 2017
From:      Business Alliance for Protecting the Atlantic Coast (BAPAC)
Subject:   Businesses Cite Excessive Problems with Government
Regulations on Seismic Airgun Blasting
Contact:  Frank Knapp, President/CEO of BAPAC, 803-497-3204 (w),
803-600-6874 (c),

The Business Alliance for Protecting the Atlantic Coast (BAPAC) has submitted its official comments in opposition to the federal government approving applications from seismic testing companies wanting to use airguns to blast the floor of the Atlantic Ocean in search for oil deposits.  BAPAC’s comments include recommendations to minimize the damage to marine life and thus minimize the harm to local coastal economies should seismic airgun blasting be allowed.

BAPAC’s comments can be found here.

In addition to laying out its rational for the seismic permits again being denied by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, BAPAC raises serious criticisms regarding the failure of government agencies to require technology and procedures to truly protect marine life should exploration for oil in the Atlantic be permitted.

  • Mitigation and Monitoring Requirements Insufficient for Protecting Marine Mammals  “The National Marine Fisheries Service prescription for protecting marine mammals from death, harm and harassment is nothing more than a guy on deck with binoculars,” said Frank Knapp Jr., President and of BAPAC.
  • Mitigation and Monitoring Requirements Nonexistent for Protecting Fish and Invertebrates “There are absolutely no requirements proposed to protect fish and invertebrates like squid from the blasting of airguns.Yet it is seismic blasting’s impact on fish and invertebrates that causes the most socio-economic damage to local communities and their businesses,” said Frank Knapp Jr.
  • Impact on the Base of the Ocean Food Chain Ignored  “There is only one study on the impact of a seismic airgun blast on the base of the ocean food chain and it shows significant death to zooplankton.The seismic industry’s response is not of concern for the health of the ocean food chain but instead an attack on the research,” said Frank Knapp Jr.
  • Analysis of Impact of Multiple Seismic Airgun Surveys Understated or Nonexistent “The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management rejects the idea that to best protect marine mammals it should only give one permit to do all necessary testing saying that it cannot tell the private sector what to do.  Huh?  That’s what regulations are all about,” said Frank Knapp Jr.
  • No Consideration or Compensation for Lost Revenue to Other Businesses Due to Seismic Surveys “Seismic companies should be responsible for compensating other businesses and governments for their lost revenue due to seismic activities,” said Frank Knapp Jr.
  • Alternative Technology: Research Knowledge Not Up-To-Date and Viable Alternatives Not Pursued “It is clear that alternatives to airgun blasting to explore for oil are right at hand but the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has refused to demand them largely out of concern for cost to seismic companies.  The cost to coastal businesses from using old, destructive airguns is never considered,” said Frank Knapp Jr.
