Date: February 6, 2018
From: Business Alliance for Protecting the Atlantic Coast (BAPAC)
Subject: Business Alliance Congratulates Georgia State Legislators and City of Atlanta on Resolutions
Opposing Offshore Drilling
Contact: Frank Knapp, President/CEO, 803-497-3204 (w), 803-600-6874 (c),
Columbia, SC—Bipartisan resolutions were introduced in the Georgia House (H.1041) and Senate (S.706) yesterday. The companion resolutions read:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body express their support for coastal Georgia tourism and fisheries and voice their opposition to oil and gas exploration and drilling activities, including seismic testing, off of the Georgia coast.
Also, yesterday the Atlanta City Council voted unanimously to support a resolution by Councilmember Carla Smith opposing offshore seismic testing and drilling for oil.
The Business Alliance for Protecting the Atlantic Coast (BAPAC) with its over 42,000 business and 500,000 commercial fishing family supporters from Maine to Florida commends the legislative and city council efforts and congratulates all the Georgia organizations that have worked on this issue.
“The Georgia legislators have taken a very important step in informing their fellow members about the threat that offshore oil exploration and drilling poses to the state’s tourism and commercial fishing industries,” said Frank Knapp Jr., president and CEO of BAPAC. “With these bipartisan resolutions, Governor Nathan Deal’s expressed concerns on the issue and the Atlanta City Council vote; we are confident that Georgia is beginning the process of rising up against the federal government approving offshore oil related activities that will harm the state’s vibrant economies.”
The House resolution was introduced by Representatives Wayne Gilliard (D-Garden City), Bill Hitchens (R-Rincon), Sam Park (D-Lawrenceville), Don Hogan (R-St. Simon’s Island) and Ron Stephens (R-Savannah). The Senate resolution was introduced by Senators Lester Jackson (D-Savannah), William Ligon Jr. (R-Brunswick), Harold Jones II (D-Augusta), Ben Watson (R-Savannah), Steve Henson (D-Stone Mountain) and Gail Davenport (D-Jonesboro).
Below is the text of the House and Senate resolution:
A RESOLUTION (H.1041 & S.706)
Supporting Georgia’s coastal tourism and fisheries and opposing seismic testing and oil and
gas drilling activities off of Georgia’s coast; and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, Georgia’s fishing and tourism industries and the state’s economy are dependent
on healthy natural environments and safe ocean systems along the Georgia coast; and
WHEREAS, Georgia’s coast supports a significant fishing and tourism industry, which
benefits the state economy in terms of 21,000 jobs and over $1.1 billion of Georgia’s gross
domestic product (GDP); and
WHEREAS, Georgia’s coast contains 368,000 acres of saltmarsh that provide essential
nursery grounds for fish, shellfish, crab, and other marine life important to the vitality of
local fisheries; and
WHEREAS, exploratory and commercial drilling, extraction, and transportation of offshore
oil and gas pose a risk of a spill that could adversely affect Georgia’s fishing and coastal
tourism industries for decades; and
WHEREAS, offshore drilling requires onshore infrastructure, such as pipelines or refineries,
which may compromise the character of our coastal landscapes and our communities; and
WHEREAS, scientific studies have found seismic testing to harm marine fisheries and
marine mammals that are important to Georgia’s coastal communities and economies; and
WHEREAS, seismic testing and offshore drilling risk the survival of the 400 remaining
North Atlantic right whales, Georgia’s state marine mammal that travels to our coast to give
birth and is considered the most critically endangered whale species in the world; and
WHEREAS, seismic testing and offshore drilling activities may interfere with critical
military preparedness, training, and testing activities taking place off the coast of Georgia
and at King’s Bay Naval Submarine Base and the Naval Undersea Warfare Training Range,
which is under construction; and
WHEREAS, more than 140 of Georgia’s towns and cities along the Atlantic Coast have
passed official resolutions against Atlantic drilling and seismic testing, including Savannah,
Tybee Island, Brunswick, St. Marys, Kingsland, Hinesville, and Porterdale; and
WHEREAS, 39 businesses in Georgia have come out publicly against offshore drilling and
seismic testing due to the adverse economic and environmental impacts; and
WHEREAS, a healthy tourism industry and economy are vital to protect the public health,
safety, and welfare of Georgia citizens.
the members of this body express their support for coastal Georgia tourism and fisheries and
voice their opposition to oil and gas exploration and drilling activities, including seismic
testing, off of the Georgia coast.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized
and directed to make appropriate copies of this resolution available for distribution to the
public and the press.