Business Alliance For Protecting The Atlantic Coast

Ready To Fight?

January 10, 2018 - By: - In: BAPAC Blog - Tags: , - Comments Off on Ready To Fight?

January 9, 2018 Last week the Trump Administration declared that it wants to make every inch of the Atlantic Coast from Key West to the Canadian border available for offshore oil drilling.  Since the U.S. is already energy independent, the goal, according to the Administration, is to create energy dominance so that the U.S. can […]

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Maine’s GOP and Independent U.S. Senators send Zinke letter opposing offshore drilling

January 10, 2018 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Maine’s GOP and Independent U.S. Senators send Zinke letter opposing offshore drilling

January 8, 2018 The Honorable Ryan Zinke Secretary, Department of Interior 1849 C Street, N.W. Washington D.C.  20240 Dear Secretary Zinke: We write to express our opposition to the five-year oil and gas leasing plan released by the Interior Department that proposes opening up vast portions of U.S. waters for possible oil exploration and development, […]

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South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster wants offshore ‘no drill’ oil exemption just like Florida

January 10, 2018 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster wants offshore ‘no drill’ oil exemption just like Florida

Charleston Post and Courier January 10, 2018 By Bo Petersen Gov. Henry McMaster plans to ask the Trump administration to exempt South Carolina from offshore drilling, just as the Florida “no drill” promise started to spell trouble for the president. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said late Tuesday that drilling would be “off the table” when […]

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Hilton Head mayor: Tell Trump ‘no’ on offshore drilling and seismic testing

January 10, 2018 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Hilton Head mayor: Tell Trump ‘no’ on offshore drilling and seismic testing

Hilton Head Island Packet January 10, 2018 By David Bennett On Jan. 4, the Trump administration released a draft plan that would open nearly all of our nation’s coastal waters to seismic testing, offshore oil and gas drilling and exploration. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called it “… a new path for energy dominance in America,” […]

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BAPAC Statement on Zinke’s Reversal on Florida Coast

January 10, 2018 - By: - In: Press Releases - Tags: , - Comments Off on BAPAC Statement on Zinke’s Reversal on Florida Coast

PRESS Statement Date:       January 9, 2018 From:      Business Alliance for Protecting the Atlantic Coast (BAPAC) Subject:   Trump Administration Drops Florida From Offshore Drilling Plan (NYT’s story) Contact:  Frank Knapp, President/CEO, 803-497-3204 (w), 803-600-6874 (c), Today the New York Times reported that following a meeting with Florida Republican Governor Rick Scott, the Secretary of the […]

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Trump Administration Drops Florida From Offshore Drilling Plan

January 10, 2018 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Trump Administration Drops Florida From Offshore Drilling Plan

The New York Times January 9, 2018 By HIROKO TABUCHI The Trump administration said Tuesday it had ruled out drilling for oil and gas off the coast of Florida after strong opposition from the state’s Republican governor, Rick Scott. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke moved last week to allow new offshore oil and gas drilling in […]

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Republican Congressman from VA comes out against offshore drilling

January 9, 2018 - By: - In: In The News - Comments Off on Republican Congressman from VA comes out against offshore drilling

The Washington Post January 8, 2918 Rep. Scott Taylor of Virginia Beach comes out against offshore drilling By Jenna Portnoy Rep. Scott Taylor (R-Va.) says he is opposed to drilling off the coast of his Virginia Beach district, breaking with President Trump who last week moved to erase a ban on oil drilling in the […]

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Trump’s Offshore Drilling Plan Will Spark an Environmental Crisis

January 8, 2018 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Trump’s Offshore Drilling Plan Will Spark an Environmental Crisis

Daily Beast January 8, 2018 ‘This is a pristine place. Human health and environmental health are codependent. Why would you want to risk that?’ By Lyndsey Gilpin Laura Wood Habr has lived a block from the beach nearly all her life. She’s the co-owner of Croc’s 19th Street Bistro, a sustainable, climate-friendly business. She sources […]

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SC Republican State Senator: Offshore testing for oil is bad public policy

January 8, 2018 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on SC Republican State Senator: Offshore testing for oil is bad public policy

Hilton Head Island Packet January 5, 2018 By Tom Davis The Trump administration recently announced a new drilling plan that includes opening up areas off South Carolina’s coast to seismic testing for oil. This is terrible public policy. First, seismic testing involves firing loud sonic guns into the ocean floor every 16 seconds to read […]

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