Business Alliance For Protecting The Atlantic Coast

Congress is willing to risk lives of dwindling whales and dolphins

November 15, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Comments Off on Congress is willing to risk lives of dwindling whales and dolphins

BY LEE TALBOT, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR THE HILL At the International Whaling Commission’s Scientific Committee in 1969, I pointed out that there was more economic benefit from whale watching than whale hunting. My fellow committee members laughed skeptically. After all, their job was to provide a scientific rationale for bigger whale hunting quotas for the countries […]

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EDITORIAL: Re-energize coastal protection campaign

November 13, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Comments Off on EDITORIAL: Re-energize coastal protection campaign

Charleston Post and Courier Nov 12, 2017 The oil industry has increased its pressure on Congress and the administration to allow exploration for offshore oil and gas deposits on the Atlantic coast. Coastal communities from Florida to Maryland should be prepared to push back twice as hard. For the moment, permits for seismic testing off […]

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Urgent Action Needed

November 7, 2017 - By: - In: BAPAC Blog - Tags: , - Comments Off on Urgent Action Needed

November 7, 2017 Today, the House Natural Resources Energy and Mineral subcommittee will hold a legislative hearing, and Wednesday the full committee will markup on an awful offshore bill entitled “SECURE American Energy Act.” This bill is the kitchen sink of industry wish lists including expediting scientifically documented dangerous seismic airgun blasting to search for […]

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Editorial: End shenanigans with Puerto Rico

November 7, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Editorial: End shenanigans with Puerto Rico

The Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel November 7, 2017 By THE FORT LAUDERDALE SUN SENTINEL The last thing U.S. territory needs is the whiff of scandal involving aid efforts. Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory of 3.4 million people, continues to struggle with the largest power outage in our nation’s history. Nearly six weeks after Hurricane Maria […]

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Atlantic Offshore Drilling Threatens National Security Operations

November 1, 2017 - By: - In: BAPAC Blog - Tags: - Comments Off on Atlantic Offshore Drilling Threatens National Security Operations

New Oceana Maps Highlight Areas of Conflict off Virginia and Georgia Coasts Press Release November 1, 2017 Today, Oceana released new maps highlighting concerns from the Department of Defense (DOD) over expanded offshore drilling activities and infrastructure in the Atlantic Ocean. According to DOD, the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) hosts a wide variety of training […]

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Without drilling for oil in the Atlantic, geopolitical goal is being achieved

October 31, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Without drilling for oil in the Atlantic, geopolitical goal is being achieved

The Washington Examiner story by John Siciliano tells the progress the U.S. is making in oil exports and what that has already achieved in geopolitical terms.  All without offshore drilling in the Atlantic and destroying our vibrant East Coast economy. Here are the highlights of this story: -“Oil exports increased by 300,000 barrels per day […]

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Even earless oysters ‘clam up’ over noise pollution

October 29, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: - Comments Off on Even earless oysters ‘clam up’ over noise pollution

PBS NewsHour October 25, 2017 By Teresa L. Carey Even without ears, oysters are “clamming up” when they hear too much noise in the ocean. In response to sounds similar to cargo ships, oysters slam their shells closed, seemingly to protect their soft bodies, according to a study published Wednesday in PLOS ONE. Oysters are […]

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Testimony: South Carolina House Off-Shore Drilling Ad-Hoc Committee

October 27, 2017 - By: - In: BAPAC Blog - Tags: - Comments Off on Testimony: South Carolina House Off-Shore Drilling Ad-Hoc Committee

(Watch the meeting video here at 0:17:30. View Mr. Knapp’s testimony starting at 3:36:30.) October 26, 2017 Frank Knapp Jr., President & CEO, South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to appear today on this important issue. I am Frank Knapp, President and CEO of […]

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Gulf of Mexico oil spill may be largest in America since BP disaster

October 22, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Gulf of Mexico oil spill may be largest in America since BP disaster

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette October 17, 2017 By Nico Grant / Bloomberg News An oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico last week may be the largest in the U.S. since the 2010 blowout at BP’s Macondo well that sank the Deepwater Horizon rig and killed 11 people. LLOG Exploration reported about 7,950 to 9,350 barrels of […]

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Editorial: Wrong message on offshore oil

October 20, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Editorial: Wrong message on offshore oil

Charleston Post and Courier October 19, 2017 Despite nearly universal opposition to offshore drilling among coastal South Carolina residents and their elected representatives, state Sen. Stephen Goldfinch, R-Murrell’s Inlet, recently told a congressional panel that Georgetown would be an ideal spot for the oil industry to build the infrastructure needed to support offshore rigs. That’s […]

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