Business Alliance For Protecting The Atlantic Coast

East Coast Republicans join Dems to lobby Trump against Atlantic oil exploration

September 16, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: - Comments Off on East Coast Republicans join Dems to lobby Trump against Atlantic oil exploration

The State Charlotte Observer Miami Herald Hilton Head Island Packet Kansas City Star Portland Press Herald September 15, 2017 By Tony Pugh WASHINGTON State and federal lawmakers from both parties have joined East Coast business interests to convince the Trump administration to halt its plan for fossil fuel development in the Atlantic Ocean. It’s a […]

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Congressman Mark Sanford Speaking on Amendment to House Budget to Ban Seismic Testing

September 11, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Congressman Mark Sanford Speaking on Amendment to House Budget to Ban Seismic Testing

September 7, 2017 Watch video I thank the gentlemen and I want to make clear that I am offering this amendment on behalf of Frank LoBiondo, who I know who has worked with my colleague Don Byer from Virginia on this by partisan measure. I think it when to make sense that it would quite […]

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Editorial: President Trump, offshore drilling is not welcome here

September 11, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Editorial: President Trump, offshore drilling is not welcome here

Myrtle Beach Sun News September 9, 2017 Offshore oil drilling and exploration is overwhelmingly opposed along the U.S. Atlantic Coast, including off South Carolina, and the opposition has become increasingly bipartisan. S.C. Gov. Henry McMaster joined fellow Republican governors of Maryland and New Jersey and Democratic governors of North Carolina and Delaware in opposing the […]

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What community wants to host an oil refinery on the Atlantic Coast? Come on, raise your hand.

August 31, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on What community wants to host an oil refinery on the Atlantic Coast? Come on, raise your hand.

The Washington Post August 29, 2017 ExxonMobil refineries are damaged in Hurricane Harvey, releasing hazardous pollutants By Steven Mufson ExxonMobil acknowledged Tuesday that Hurricane Harvey damaged two of its refineries, causing the release of hazardous pollutants. The acknowledgment, in a regulatory filing with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, follows repeated complaints on Twitter of an […]

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Americans Red and Blue Unite Against Trump’s Plan to Drill the Atlantic

August 31, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Americans Red and Blue Unite Against Trump’s Plan to Drill the Atlantic

NRDC-OnEarth August 28, 2017 Not even the Republican governors who supported him are willing to get behind it. By Jeff Turrentine President Trump, to put it mildly, hasn’t worked too hard to bring Democrats and Republicans together on many issues. By almost any account, the partisan divide in this country today is wider than it’s […]

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Opinion: Oil Drilling in the Atlantic threatens our economy

August 23, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Comments Off on Opinion: Oil Drilling in the Atlantic threatens our economy

August 22, 2017 Myrtle Beach Sun News By Frank Knapp Jr. Our state coastal tourism economy is essentially a small business economy. Add in our commercial fishing and coastal recreation industries and South Carolina has 79,000 jobs and $4.4 billion in GDP dependent on a healthy ocean that would be threatened by offshore oil drilling. We […]

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Trump’s plan hits ‘wall of resistance’ in Carolinas

August 22, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Comments Off on Trump’s plan hits ‘wall of resistance’ in Carolinas

August 17, 2017 E&E News By Rob Hotakainen and Kellie Lunney When Peg Howell and her husband decided to semiretire eight years ago, they moved to Pawleys Island, S.C., a seaside resort she calls “a piece of heaven on earth.” The last thing she wants to put up with is exploration work and drilling rigs. […]

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