Business Alliance For Protecting The Atlantic Coast

Letter: Offshore drilling threatens Va.’s economy

February 12, 2018 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Letter: Offshore drilling threatens Va.’s economy

Richmond Times-Dispatch February 11, 2018 In his Commentary column, “The rich possibilities for offshore drilling,” Michael Thompson praises the federal government’s proposals to explore and drill for oil and gas off the Virginia coast. I am the immediate past vice president of the Virginia Beach Restaurant Association and the co-founder and a board member of […]

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Ideas for Comments to BOEM

February 7, 2018 - By: - In: BAPAC Blog - Tags: , - Comments Off on Ideas for Comments to BOEM

Dick Wilderman has shared his comments he submitted to BOEM last July in response to their Request for Information.  He shares these comments with you and gives permission to include some or all of his comments in your BOEM comments that are due March 6th. Directions for filing a comment online can be found here: […]

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US projected to become net exporter of energy by 2022

February 7, 2018 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on US projected to become net exporter of energy by 2022

The Hill February 6, 2018 By Miranda Green The United States is on pace to become a net exporter of energy, according to new data released Tuesday by the U.S. Energy Information Association (EIA). The 2018 annual report on the U.S. energy outlook projects that the country will shift from mostly importing energy to primarily exporting it by […]

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Business Alliance Congratulates Georgia State Legislators and City of Atlanta on Resolutions Opposing Offshore Drilling

February 6, 2018 - By: - In: Press Releases - Tags: , - Comments Off on Business Alliance Congratulates Georgia State Legislators and City of Atlanta on Resolutions Opposing Offshore Drilling

PRESS RELEASE Date:       February 6, 2018 From:      Business Alliance for Protecting the Atlantic Coast (BAPAC) Subject:   Business Alliance Congratulates Georgia State Legislators and City of Atlanta on Resolutions Opposing  Offshore Drilling Contact: Frank Knapp, President/CEO, 803-497-3204 (w), 803-600-6874 (c), Columbia, SC—Bipartisan resolutions were introduced in the Georgia House (H.1041) and Senate (S.706) yesterday.  The […]

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Karen Brown: Don’t risk drilling off our coast

February 4, 2018 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Karen Brown: Don’t risk drilling off our coast

News & Record February 4, 2018 In his opinion column (Jan. 24), John Hood justified the federal government permitting drilling for oil and gas off the North Carolina coast by using the work of university economists. Citing this academic work, Hood argues that in terms of dollars, the state would gain more than it would […]

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Bipartisan group of Coastal Georgia lawmakers leading charge against offshore drilling

February 3, 2018 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Bipartisan group of Coastal Georgia lawmakers leading charge against offshore drilling

Savannah Morning News February 2, 2018 By Mary Landers Savannah area lawmakers are leading bipartisan efforts in the state legislature to oppose offshore drilling in Georgia. State Sen. Lester Jackson, D-Savannah, is sponsoring the resolution he expects to file Monday in the Senate with Republican co-sponsors. It rejects both offshore drilling and the seismic testing […]

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BAPAC Vice Chair Joins NC Governor in Meeting with Secretary Zinke

February 3, 2018 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on BAPAC Vice Chair Joins NC Governor in Meeting with Secretary Zinke

Press Release North Carolina Office of the Governor February 3, 2018 In Meeting with Secretary Zinke, Gov. Cooper Underscores North Carolina’s Opposition to Offshore Drilling Joined by elected officials and stakeholders from coastal NC, Cooper emphasizes threat to coastal economies and tourism RALEIGH: In a meeting with Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke today on offshore drilling […]

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NJ Bill Blocking Offshore Drilling Infrastructure Reported Out of Committee

February 3, 2018 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on NJ Bill Blocking Offshore Drilling Infrastructure Reported Out of Committee

This past Thursday a New Jersey House Committee voted in support of a bill that would block the infrastructure needed to bring any offshore oil to shore for production. The vote was bipartisan and unanimous.  That bill now goes to the full House for a vote.  A similar bill is before a New Jersey Senate Committee. […]

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McMaster pushes for exemption on offshore drilling. Governor meets with interior secretary

February 3, 2018 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on McMaster pushes for exemption on offshore drilling. Governor meets with interior secretary

Charleston Post and Courier February 3, 2018 BY BO PETERSEN Gov. Henry McMaster made his case for a South Carolina exemption to offshore oil and gas exploration as he met with Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke on Friday at the Governor’s Mansion in Columbia. McMaster and Zinke “had a good, productive conversation over lunch,” […]

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