Business Alliance For Protecting The Atlantic Coast

Grass roots opposition to offshore drilling won last night in the Senate

October 20, 2017 - By: - In: BAPAC Blog - Tags: , - Comments Off on Grass roots opposition to offshore drilling won last night in the Senate

Business owners and citizens launched a torrent of calls to the offices of U.S. Senators yesterday in opposition to two budget resolution amendments scheduled for a vote later in the day. The resolutions offered by Senator Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana) promoted offshore drilling for oil not just in the Gulf, but also in the Atlantic. Those […]

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Help support our pro bono law firm

October 19, 2017 - By: - In: BAPAC Blog - Tags: , - Comments Off on Help support our pro bono law firm

Should the National Marine Fisheries Service and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management approve of seismic airgun blasting in the Atlantic, the Business Alliance for Protecting the Atlantic Coast (BAPAC) is ready to go to court to stop the destructive process that is the first step to offshore oil drilling. Our pro bono legal services […]

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Human error? Oil rig platform explodes outside of New Orleans

October 16, 2017 - By: - In: BAPAC Blog - Tags: , - Comments Off on Human error? Oil rig platform explodes outside of New Orleans

Last night’s explosion of an oil rig platform used for transferring oil in Lake Pontchartrain put at least 5 workers in the hospital in critical condition and one person is still missing as of this writing. It is still unknown if oil leaked into the lake. The cause of the explosion is under investigation. Was […]

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Another oil company bows out of offshore drilling in Australia

October 15, 2017 - By: - In: BAPAC Blog - Tags: , - Comments Off on Another oil company bows out of offshore drilling in Australia

Waters off Australia’s southern coast have large reserves of oil according to seismic testing. Yet two Big Oil giants, Chevron and BP, have abandoned plans for deep-water exploration.  And both for the same reason. Last week Chevron announced that low oil prices meant that drilling in these waters, called the Great Australian Bight, would not […]

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Beach cities say no to offshore drilling, but that’s not what Congress was told

October 12, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Beach cities say no to offshore drilling, but that’s not what Congress was told

Myrtle Beach Sun News October 11, 2017 By Audrey Hudson Activists who oppose offshore drilling and seismic testing gathered at Plyler Park in May for the Hands Across the Sand event sponsored in Myrtle Beach by SODA and the Grand Strand Surfrider Foundation. Matt Silfer for The Sun News. Testifying before a congressional panel on Wednesday, […]

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Urgent! Sign this letter to protect the Atlantic Coast

October 9, 2017 - By: - In: BAPAC Blog - Tags: , - Comments Off on Urgent! Sign this letter to protect the Atlantic Coast

This week, Congress will begin an end run around the normal regulatory process on determining if offshore drilling will be permitted in the Atlantic.  This bill will negate all the grassroots opposition to testing and drilling. Before tomorrow (Tuesday) at noon sign this letter in opposition to this bill. Fill out the Google form here […]

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Atlantic City offshore wind developer all-in on green energy

October 7, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Atlantic City offshore wind developer all-in on green energy

Southern New Jersey Development Council October 6, 2017 The European energy company developing a wind farm 10 miles off Atlantic City is exiting the fossil-fuels business and going all-in on sustainable energy. The Atlantic City project is on track to open between 2020 and 2025, said Thomas Brostrom, president of North American operations for the […]

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As Seas Warm, Whales Face New Dangers

October 3, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on As Seas Warm, Whales Face New Dangers

“We haven’t seen this level of mortality in right whales since we stopped whaling them” in coastal New England in the 1700s The New York Times October 2, 2017 By KAREN WEINTRAUB MOUNT DESERT ROCK, Me. — From the top of the six-story lighthouse, water stretches beyond the horizon in every direction. A foghorn bleats […]

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Trump’s America First Energy Plan Puts Foreign Companies First, Marine Species Last

September 28, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Trump’s America First Energy Plan Puts Foreign Companies First, Marine Species Last

Back in June I wrote a blog, French Seismic Company Files for Bankruptcy. Needs Permit to Blast the Atlantic for New Revenue,  about one of the seismic testing companies wanting to airgun blast the Atlantic to look for possible oil deposits below the ocean floor. A new story in The Revelator gives more background about […]

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