Business Alliance For Protecting The Atlantic Coast

Georgia businesses join alliance to protect coast from offshore drilling, exploration

August 17, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Georgia businesses join alliance to protect coast from offshore drilling, exploration

Savannah Morning News Augusts 16, 2017 By Mary Landers For this round, local businesses are adding their voices to the list of those opposed. About 30 Georgia businesses have joined the Business Alliance for Protecting the Atlantic Coast. Not quite a year old, the South Carolina-based organization boasts the support of more than 41,000 business […]

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State of New Jersey “strongly opposes” offshore drilling

August 16, 2017 - By: - In: BAPAC Blog - Tags: , - Comments Off on State of New Jersey “strongly opposes” offshore drilling

New Jersey’s GOP governor, Chris Christie, in speaking for his state has joined seven members of the NJ Congressional delegation  in officially opposing putting the Atlantic in the next 5-year plan for offshore oil drilling leases. Congratulations to all who worked tirelessly to make this happen.  Read the NJ letter below.  

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Tick Tock: Deadline Nears for Public Comment on Offshore Drilling

August 16, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Tick Tock: Deadline Nears for Public Comment on Offshore Drilling

Public News Service August 15, 2017 BEAUFORT, N.C. – Citizens have two more days to weigh in on restarting the process of offshore drilling on North Carolina’s coast. The Trump administration announced it was restarting the process of oil and gas leases earlier this year after the Obama administration put those ocean areas off limits […]

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A Few More Days for Public Comments on Offshore Drilling Plan

August 14, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Comments Off on A Few More Days for Public Comments on Offshore Drilling Plan

August 14, 2017 Public News Service By Dan Heyman RICHMOND, Va. — The public has until Thursday to comment on the first step towards a proposal that could open the Virginia coast to offshore drilling. The Trump administration may roll back an Obama-era plan to make much of the Atlantic coast off-limits to oil and […]

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August 17 is deadline for comments

August 7, 2017 - By: - In: BAPAC Blog - Comments Off on August 17 is deadline for comments

Urgent!! August 17 is deadline for comments on offshore drilling We’re making it easy for you to tell the feds to keep offshore oil drilling out of the Atlantic. Business organizations should share this with their members. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is accepting public comments until August 17th to start this two year […]

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Time is running out to protect the Atlantic coast

August 6, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Tags: , - Comments Off on Time is running out to protect the Atlantic coast

The government doesn’t even try to estimate the number of fish and invertebrates killed or harassed due to seismic airgun blasting. Florida Today August 6, 2017 By Frank Knapp Jr., Guest columnist President Trump has proclaimed that his administration is seeking “American energy dominance.” The reality is we’re already there. The United States produces more […]

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Is Challenger to SC Governor McMaster Willing to Sell Out Coastal Economies

August 6, 2017 - By: - In: BAPAC Blog - Tags: , - Comments Off on Is Challenger to SC Governor McMaster Willing to Sell Out Coastal Economies

Henry McMaster, Governor of South Carolina, has made it very clear that he opposes both seismic testing and drilling for oil in the Atlantic. Now one of his challengers in next year’s GOP primary has weighed in on the issue of offshore drilling. According to the Charleston City Paper, Catherine Templeton spoke to a town […]

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Tenth right whale found dead: ‘This population can’t sustain another hit’

August 4, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Comments Off on Tenth right whale found dead: ‘This population can’t sustain another hit’

August 4, 2017 Times Colonist By The Canadian Press ST. JOHN’S, N.L. — The first North Atlantic right whale to turn up dead in the Gulf of St. Lawrence was a 10-year-old male, back on June 7. Researchers had spotted it just six weeks earlier in Cape Cod Bay, looking healthy. Another was a vital […]

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Florida’s WWII training left untold hazards for oil speculators

August 2, 2017 - By: - In: In The News - Comments Off on Florida’s WWII training left untold hazards for oil speculators

August 2, 2017 Florida Today By Jim Waymer FORT PIERCE — Before D-Day hit Normandy, our heroes stormed the beaches here. Now, 75 years later, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is combing the beach and ocean for the bombs, rockets and other munitions left behind at the former Fort Pierce Naval Amphibious Training Base. […]

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